A company evolves and goes through different stages. Each stage has its challenges, difficulties and opportunities.
The SME entrepreneur and his employees often realise that many things could be improved, but are not done... sometimes due to lack of knowledge, fear, lack of time, etc.
There is a feeling of a lot of work, a lot of sacrifice, but few results, insufficient profitability, little satisfaction.
Consulting allows you to have an external expert eye that looks inside your company, in a neutral way, without bias, nourished by experiences in many companies, with many tools to be able to use the necessary ones for each case, with passion to help in what we know how to do and for the good of the company, the employer, and its employees.
The gratification of providing solutions to real problems can be seen in our face, in the way we collaborate, in the passion we emanate. We really accompany people in the necessary change, we travel together until we achieve the expected result.
We do a 360º exploration of the company, paying close attention to the fundamental gears of companies that function optimally; this allows us to detect potential improvements for our client.

💧 We observe people, dynamics, facilities, material and information flows
💧 We ask questions to owners, managers, key people in the organisation,
💧 We listen to owners, managers, key persons of the organisation,
💧 We search for key data from the perspective of value creation,
💧 We analyse the company's economic-financial data.
The diagnosis of a company we do, in one week, includes the construction of the "whales panel": the panel of improvements and challenges that the company has at the moment.
We organise all potential improvements into 16 categories, Strategy, Organisation, HR, Value Creation, Controlling, Commercial, Marketing, Sustainability, Planning, Production, Purchasing, Stocks, Information System, Data Analytics, Automation and Total Quality.

At the end of the week of analysis, to develop the improvements identified, we design a series of tailor-made projects. The entrepreneur chooses which improvements he/she wants to make, then which projects he/she is interested in and we agree on the conditions for their implementation.
The projects are made up of several parts: it is a question of acting on systems and people, which integrates both technical and people management components.
We don't know everything and, if we detect the need to make some changes that require the intervention of other players, we have no qualms about proposing it, what's more, we look for them and accompany the change.
For example, a typical and recurring case that occurs to us: our core business is not to implement ERP, but, if we detect shortcomings in the client's ERP, or a difficulty in extracting information, data, which is inside, we contact the ERP provider, and we work together so that our common client gets the most out of this fundamental tool. If, despite this work with the provider, based on honesty, transparency and desire to collaborate, we continue to see ERP limitations that call into question the future of the company, we propose a change of ERP. Then we carry out a search for new potential ERP, we accompany the selection of the provider ensuring that the new ERP will have what the company needs, we accompany our client, with the new ERP provider, in the implementation of the ERP, both in its configuration from the first time to establish a data model and analytical accounting so that the company has the ability to observe its business from various perspectives, modular, the sum of the modules being the company as a whole. That is what we call accompanying our client with honesty, transparency and passion.